Friday, October 5, 2007

More Mac Maggots

Ok. So I really don't care about DRM and all the pseudo-political bullshit that people like to go on about, but I came across something where Bill Gates met with some DRM bloggers and i saw this:

Highlights of the day included: Seeing the look on Gates’ face when he walked into the room and every single one of us had a Mac open on the desk in front of us

This struck me as funny. Does the author honestly think Gates considers them his equal? What makes anyone think Gates gives a rat's ass that these guys use Macs? The guy makes more money than Southern Europe while the rest of the room scrounges for enough change to get a decent latte. Even if this handful of "pundits" is not using his stuff he's still winning.

The article naturally started up the same tired old "Mac FTW!" garbage in IRC for an hour or so. It only served to remind me not to debate with zealots. There is no winning, just the sudden stop when you smash their face with a brick.

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